Wednesday 12 November 2014

Sunday Market!

Had been having ice cream waffle craving since awhile ago and decided to go satisfy this craving after dinner! Decided to go to a café nearby the house.

Dessert of the night~

 Skinny Wings and Truffle Fries ($6.90++)

Ordered this small bite to go along with our desserts as it looks pretty attractive to us. The truffle fries was simply addictive; we finished it quickly without realizing. I personally liked the smell of the truffle oil and felt that the truffles fries was appetizing but sis felt that the truffle oil was not aromatic enough. The skinny wings were alright, nothing very special about them. They were really very mini in size, could finish it within 3 mouthful.

 Bangkok Toast ($10.90++)

We thought since we were already there, we should order the best-seller right? The Bangkok Toast dessert is widely popular on other food blogs as well! The toast was very thick and soft, with strong taste of cinnamon which made it very sweet on its own. The matcha custard and toast was a special and heavenly combination! The thai milk tea ice cream was special as well - it has a very strong taste of thai milk tea (like you are really drinking the tea, not eating the ice cream) and the texture of ice cream was more like sorbet. Did not regret trying this and strongly recommend this unique dessert!!

Kyoho Grape Ice-cream Waffle w/ Strawberry Sauce ($6++)

Wouldn't recommend this ice cream waffle because there was nothing special about this. The grape ice cream was decent. However, I prefer creamy ice cream texture to sorbet texture. The waffle on its own was very thick, but plain and did not have a crispy/fluffy taste.
Overall it was a great experience in Sunday Market Café. The exterior and design of the café was very special and vintage looking. The staff were friendly and provided good customer service. A waiter served us water quickly after we were seated, without us asking for it. Food were well-prepare, we may come back again next time to try their main dishes. Saw many people trying their fried chicken waffle.

Sunday Market
22 Lim Tua Tow Road Singapore 547772

Opening hours:
Mon - Thurs 1pm-10pm
Fri 1pm-11pm
Sat 11am-11pm
Sun 11am-10pm
Closed on alternate Wed of every month

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